
The ginto platform provides an GraphQL API endpoint to query and access the accessibility data.

Ginto can configure per business account individual dynamic entry filters based on one or multiple of the following data filters:

The API provides queries to get all entries or the entries within one of the defined filters.



POST api.dev.ginto.guide/graphql
POST api.ginto.guide/graphql


GraphQL provides a typed schema for the data. Thanks to its introspection feature the documentation is baked right into the schema itself and provides information about which queries it supports. There are client libraries for almost all relevant programming languages. Further it is possible to use it with a normal HTTP request.

API development tools like Postman provide GraphQL support out of the box incl. query autocompletion.


For performance and scaling reasons the number of returned entries per request is limited. There is a pagination mechanism in place which allows to jump to the next batch of entries via cursor-pased pagination. The concept is based on Connections and Edges which is a quasi standard in GraphQL for pagination.

For queries which provide paging the arguments first and after can be set as well as a pageInfo requested.